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Solana: Implement Staking on Solana Without Smart Contracts?

Implementation of moving to Solana without smart contracts

Staking is a popular feature in Defi (decentralized finance) Solana, one of the most important blockchain networks, has gained popularity for its speed, scalability and security. Solana without using smart contracts.

Why smart contracts?

Intelligent contracts are a crucial part of Defi platforms, because they offer a safe, transparent and manipulation way to perform transactions on blockchain. However, for a smart contract it would require significant development efforts to implement honey functionality.

A simple implementation

Instead of using an intelligent contract, we can use the Solana API to achieve the functionality without writing the code. Here’s an example of how you can implement staking on Solana:

Solana: Implement Staking on Solana Without Smart Contracts?

Preliminary conditions

  • Familiarity with Solana and its API

  • And the solar knot (eg, solar cli or a local wallet)

  • A basic understanding of handling concepts such as

Code for example


// import the necessary libraries

const {account} = requires (‘web3’);

const {chain} = requires (‘etheri’);

// define the honey contract

Async stakecontract function () {

// configure and new contractual instance

Constant / await Ethers.GetcontCactory (‘stakecontract’);

// implement and configure the contract

Const stakecontract = wait for contract.PUPLOY ();

Wait stakecontract.deployed ();

// define the token to rely

Const tokenaddress = ‘0x …’;

// configure honey parameters

Const Stakingperiod = 30; // days

Consist respondentariTage = 10;

// create an account to manage tokens

Const = await the account.

Wait for ethers.utils.addtokens (Cont.address, tokenaddress, Ethers.utils.Parseunits (1e8, 18));

// start moving the token

Console.log (‘Staking started!’);

// wait for the expiration of the honey period


While (Timestamp 24 60 * 1000) .Gettime ()) {

Wait for stakecontract.Updatetokenbalance (tokenaddress, etherers.utils.parsuunits (1e8, 18));

Console.log (updated token balance: $ {ethers.utils.Formatunits (stakecontract.tokenbalance (tokenadres), 18)});

// wait for a short interval to simulate honey process

Wait for the new promise (resolve => settimeout (resolve, 1000));


// reward the user

stakecontract.Rewarduser (etherers.utils.parsether ('1'));


// call the function to start moving

Stakecontract ();

How it works

The code for example also defines thestakecontracting court using solar API. It establishes a new contract, takes it and establishes it and establishes the honey parameters (honey period and the percentage of reward). The contract then updates the periodic token balance and rewards the user after a short interval.


Optimizes. In addition, this method


Solan Api. Solana creating, starting to stay, starting to stay, start to stay, update the symbolic balances and reward users after a period of cartain.

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